New Study: Elevated CO2, Warmth, And Greener Vegetation A Boon For Humanity


A new peer-reviewed paper published in The American Journal of Economics and Sociology (May and Crok, 2024) counters the prevailing “wisdom” that says a warmer climate and greener vegetation are problematic. [emphasis, links added]

The authors detail the horrors of the much colder Little Ice Age that destroyed civilizations (crop failures, summerless years).

Half the population of Finland and 15% of Scotland’s citizens died off in the 1690s due primarily to cold-induced famines and frozen-over water supplies.

Elevated CO2 and warmth are 70% and 8% responsible, respectively, for a much greener, more vegetated landscape across the world since the 1980s.

The incidence and severity of storms, hurricanes, floods, and extreme weather in general have undergone flat to declining trends over the last several decades.

Thus, “it is hard to find any unusual weather or weather-related disaster that can be blamed on climate change, whether natural or anthropogenic.”

“52 of 53 studies of disaster losses due to extreme weather were unable to attribute the events to human causes…

The US government estimates that the warming since 1950 has reduced the country’s gross domestic product by less than 0.5%, and an estimated 3°C of warming by 2100 only reduces the GDP by less than 1%.

Considering the US economy grew by 800% from 1950 to the present, this means any assumed “damage” from a warmer climate and elevated CO2 would not be detectable.

The quest to “save” the world from warming and elevated CO2 is devoid of scientific and socioeconomic merit.

Read more at No Tricks Zone

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