Danish F-35s Cut Short US Training as Upgraded Jets Hit Delays


Cracks are appearing in the rollout of the F-35 program, with Denmark pulling its training jets back from the US soil due to delays in a critical software upgrade.

This move by Denmark, announced on Wednesday (June 26), exposes simmering anxieties among European allies who have invested heavily in the next-generation fighter jet.

The six Danish F-35s, currently stationed at Luke Air Force Base in Arizona for pilot training, will be repatriated to Skrydstrup Air Base back home.

The reason? The holdup of the Technology Refresh 3 (TR-3) upgrade, a crucial software and hardware package that offers significant performance improvements for the F-35.

TR-3 Delays: A Wrench in the Works

The TR-3 upgrade promises enhanced computing power and improved cockpit displays. It also paves the way for the even more advanced Block 4 upgrade, which will have next-level weapon and electronic warfare capabilities.

Initially scheduled for summer 2023, the TR-3 rollout has become a source of frustration.

A recent report by the US Government Accountability Office (GAO) revealed ongoing technical issues with the software’s stability.

Test pilots have encountered situations requiring mid-flight reboots of entire radar and electronic warfare systems – a worrying sign for a program touted for its cutting-edge technology.

Cracks are appearing in the rollout of the F-35 program, with Denmark pulling its training jets back from the US soil due to delays in a critical software upgrade.

This move by Denmark, announced on Wednesday (June 26), exposes simmering anxieties among European allies who have invested heavily in the next-generation fighter jet.

The six Danish F-35s, currently stationed at Luke Air Force Base in Arizona for pilot training, will be repatriated to Skrydstrup Air Base back home.

The reason? The holdup of the Technology Refresh 3 (TR-3) upgrade, a crucial software and hardware package that offers significant performance improvements for the F-35.

TR-3 Delays: A Wrench in the Works

The TR-3 upgrade promises enhanced computing power and improved cockpit displays. It also paves the way for the even more advanced Block 4 upgrade, which will have next-level weapon and electronic warfare capabilities.

Initially scheduled for summer 2023, the TR-3 rollout has become a source of frustration.

A recent report by the US Government Accountability Office (GAO) revealed ongoing technical issues with the software’s stability.

Test pilots have encountered situations requiring mid-flight reboots of entire radar and electronic warfare systems – a worrying sign for a program touted for its cutting-edge technology.

“It is very positive that we have now found a solution so that the delays from the manufacturer affect us as little as possible,” said Danish Defence Minister Troels Lund Poulsen.

However, the delays threaten to disrupt Denmark’s meticulously planned phase-out of its aging F-16 fleet, a transition heavily reliant on the timely arrival of the upgraded F-35s.

European Anxiety: A Domino Effect

Denmark’s situation is just the tip of the iceberg.

The TR-3 saga is sending ripples of concern across Europe, where other F-35 customers are watching developments with bated breath.

While larger operators like Norway and the Netherlands have a buffer provided by their existing F-16 fleets, delays in achieving full operational capability with the F-35 could have significant ramifications.

“We don’t want to be stuck with interim configurations,” confided a Norwegian defense official, speaking on condition of anonymity, quoted by Defense News.

This sentiment reflects shared European anxiety about receiving “halfway solutions” – stripped-down versions of the F-35 that might not seamlessly integrate with future upgrades, creating logistical nightmares down the line.

Two Royal Danish Air Force F-35A Lightning II fighter jets. (Image source: DVIDS)

Beyond Delays: Questions About Program Management

The Danish decision serves as a stark reminder of the delicate tightrope walk between cutting-edge technology and reliable delivery schedules in major defense projects.

European allies have made significant financial commitments to the F-35 program, and timely access to complete upgrades is paramount for ensuring their air forces remain equipped to handle future security challenges.

Beyond the immediate operational impact, the delays raise questions about the overall management of the F-35 program.

Lockheed Martin, the program’s prime contractor, is facing mounting pressure to deliver on its promises.

The company is reportedly struggling to manage a production pipeline overflowing with aircraft in various configurations, raising concerns about further delays and potential cost overruns.

Looking Ahead: A Call for Renewed Focus

The situation in Denmark, and the anxieties it has sparked across Europe, underscores the need for a renewed focus on clear communication and a commitment to delivering a complete and reliable F-35 package.

European allies have invested heavily in the program, and ensuring it meets their strategic needs requires Lockheed Martin to address the current issues head-on.

The future of European airpower and the trust in this crucial international defense partnership may well hang in the balance.

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