Kate’s Friendly Fiend | Nature’s Place


Little Man … is his name. He’s a real poser when relaxed, and a fine looking friend.

He’s a friendly looking fellow too, there’s the beginning of a smile. Not a sign of aggression, just a boldness of presence.

With a bit of red to show he’s proud and unafraid. Willing to stand up and stand out, when needs be.

And he can see with both eyes, 360′. Head held high the better to see afar. Calms the wildness of the wild.

An unrelenting gaze, ever watchful, never too comfortable. Ready for action.

He’s a wild thing after all, though he may smile. He survives in the garden, a wild place to him, and home enough. Enough of a home, for a dragon.

And when he’s really hungry he comes to Kate for a bite. And if she forgets he’ll remind her with a nibble. He’s a friendly fiend after all.

No malice here, and intelligence enough not to cross the bounds, when he knows them. He’s evolving, after all.

He’s a youngster still, learning, to survive in Kate’s garden. Means his instinct is tempered by experience. He learns …

So he needs teaching. And who better than Kate, to nurture this Little Man on his way to doing his best, against the pressures of ‘Civilization’.

What does he see? Could it be he keeps an eye on his sub-domain, to protect himself, and his friend?

Keeping an eye out for snakes or other danger, or boon, that would threaten or support his survival. Looking past the flowers in the way.

And so he looks after Kate, in his way. Though he thinks she deserves a nibble when he’s too hungry, just to remind her.

Who’s that up above, is it an eagle, a tree snake, or …? No, it’s super Kate, with a morsel to nourish and educate him. It’s all give and take.

And who is that reflected in his eye, never mind. It’s good to have a Little Man guarding the place, in the land of snakes. And good to have a friend in nature … uncivilized, but friendly in his way.

Kate is a friend, who has a friend.
Kate thinks her friend is a bit of a fiend.
Because her friend likes to nibble Kate’s toes.
And Kate is afraid her friendly fiend will eat her toes.
By mistake maybe, thinking her toes would make a good meal.
I don’t think her friend is so fiendish, but not just friendly either.
He came one day and got fed, so he came again, and got fed, and so …
He became a friend, because of self interest, and survival. Same thing really.
But a dragon is a dragon, fiendishly cunning in his will to survive, tempered …
By the will to survive in a new situation. Not dragon to dragon, or other wild creature.
But dragon to Kate, who would feed him, if he’s nice. And so, being a dragon …
A dragon he must be, but tempered, by Kate who feeds him, as long as he’s nice.
So nice he will be, though still a dragon, a nice dragon.
Instead of biting Kate’s toes and trying to eat them.
He nibbles a toe … he’s hungry …
Just to let you know.
There’s a lesson in every encounter, you know.
And all you have to do is the hardest, let go.
Of what you feel, and think you know.
There it is, there you go.
© Mark Berkery … Click on those pictures for a closer look …

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