US Space Force Invests $440M: Boeing to Build 12th Satellite for Military Comms


The US Space Force has inked a $440-million deal with Boeing to construct its 12th satellite for the Wideband Global Satellite Communications (WGS) constellation, as Boeing announced last Tuesday, March 5.

Boeing’s Big Ticket: The WGS-12 Satellite

In the grand scheme of keeping Uncle Sam’s lines of chatter clear, crisp, and out of the clutches of those with nefarious intentions, the powers that be tossed a hefty $440 million bone Boeing’s way.

The mission? To stitch together the 12th beast for the Wideband Global Satellite Communications (WGS) family, which will be dubbed WGS-12.

This basically means they’re adding another super-powered communication tool to their toolbox, poised to beef up the muscle and sinew of the military’s communications network.

Boeing’s going all in with WGS-12, decking it out with gear that makes it a hard target in a bad neighborhood.

The crown jewel of this tech treasure chest is the Protected Tactical Satcom Prototype payload – a fancy term for making sure the satellite doesn’t blink when the electronic warfare goons try to jam its signals.

It’s about keeping the conversation flowing, no matter how much static the other side tries to throw into the mix.

Space Force Beefs Up Military’s Communication Network

Tethering WGS-12 to the Protected Tactical Enterprise Service ground system is like hooking up a prizefighter with the best corner team; it’s where the Space Force’s prime space capabilities get to flex.

It’s a statement piece, really, saying loud and clear that we’re in it to keep our comms infrastructure a step ahead of the shadows and specters lurking in the digital domain.

Michelle Parker, a bigwig at Boeing, says WGS-12 will be like having over 1,500 personal communication channels, all thanks to its high tech beam technology.

“We are proud to be a mission partner and are ready to continue providing protected tactical communications to the warfighter,” said Parker in a statement.

The whole satellite is being built in El Segundo, California, and should be ready to go by 2029.

It’s a long haul, sure, but good things – scratch that, great things – take time, especially when you’re building a titan.

What’s the WGS System All About?

Diving deeper, the WGS constellation isn’t just a bunch of satellites playing tag in orbit; it’s the backbone of the military’s chatter web, stretching its arms out to the Department of Defense, NATO, and beyond since its first launch in ’07.

Think of the WGS system as the military’s giant communication superhighway, keeping us and our allies informed and making sure we’re all singing from the same sheet of music.

WGS-12 is just the latest addition to this ever-growing network, ensuring communication stays strong for years.

Sealing the Deal for Tomorrow’s Security

So, when the ink dried on Boeing’s contract for WGS-12, it wasn’t just a business deal; it was a pledge.

A pledge to keep the lifelines of liberty unbroken, to ensure that when the world asks if we’re ready, our reply, clear and unfaltering, rings out: Always.

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