13 Income Producing Assets to Build, Buy, and Bank On (2024)


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Income producing assets are things you own (or control) that pay you every month, quarter, or year.

In this post, I’ll share some of the best income producing assets you can build or acquire — starting on the side.

These selections are based on:

  • 15+ years building income-producing assets online
  • 20+ years as an investor in income producing assets
  • 500+ interviews with successful side hustlers

You’ve probably heard the saying that it “takes money to make money,” but that’s not always true. Sure, starting with money will help, but you can also create income producing assets with a little sweat equity.

Ready? Let’s do it!

1. Real Estate

Real estate can be a great income producing asset, and comes in all shapes and sizes.

A common example would be buying an investment property and renting it out. You profit on the spread between the monthly rent and your expenses (mortgage, insurance, maintenance, etc.). 

It’s a realistic way to build both cash flow and long-term wealth.

The downside is … houses are expensive!

Thankfully, new platforms like Arrived make it easy to invest in income-generating properties—with as little as $100.

arrived real estate

The company pools money to buy rental properties, manages them, and then distributes the cash flow every month.

Hands-Off Rentals

Arrived | Cash Flowing Rentals



  • Earn quarterly dividends
  • Completely hands-off
  • Low minimum investment ($100)

  • Limited liquidity
  • Not super diversified
  • Listings can sell out quickly

Arrived | Cash Flowing RentalsArrived | Cash Flowing Rentals

We earn a commission if you sign up, at no additional cost to you.

We’ve covered lots of real estate side hustles, but rental income is one of the most common income streams of millionaires.

One creative example came from Austin Miller. When we spoke, he’d built his rental portfolio to 17 properties worth $1.2 million — all acquired “free”—without any of his own money.

2. Dividend Stocks

Dividend stocks are another popular income generating asset. Dividends are a portion of the company’s profits they pay out to shareholders.

But not every company pays a dividend — and some pay more than others.

One strategy is to buy shares in companies with long histories of paying—and increasing—dividends. These include name-brand businesses like Target, Chevron, AT&T, and Proctor and Gamble.

passive income from dividends

These “boring” old companies aren’t likely to have explosive share price growth, but they do spin off consistent passive cash flow.

Think of it this way — every time Coca-Cola sells a soda, the shareholders get a portion of the profits. And you didn’t have to do any work for it!

That’s true passive income.

Over the last few years, I’ve built up my dividend income stream to over $2,000 a month.

Check out a service like the modern brokerage M1 Finance to get started yourself.

m1 finance

You can trade stocks for free, or select one of their pre-built portfolios. 

3. Bonds

Where dividend stocks give you an ownership stake in a company, bonds are a different kind of income generating asset.

A bond is like a loan you give to a company or government. In return, they promise to pay you back with interest.

That interest is what produces the income from bonds, but bonds — like stocks — can also gain or lose value as well. Bonds are preferred by investors looking for reliable income, with less volatility. 

4. Websites

There’s a lot to learn to turn a website into an income generating asset, but when it works, it can be extremely lucrative.

For example:

Their sites are monetized with advertising, affiliate partnerships, and product sales.

And the cool part about that? All of those easily scale as your traffic grows.

Want to start a blog of your own? Check out my free 6-part video course on how to start your own site.

(Building a site from scratch is just one option. Flippa is a leading marketplace to shop for websites that are already producing income.)