AT&T moves to reset account passwords after massive data leak


US telco giant, AT&T is making moves to reset account passcodes after a major leak by a hacker dumped the details of millions of its customers online last month.

Following an announcement on Monday that AT&T could access user accounts through encrypted passcodes found in leaked data, the decision to start the bulk reset of passcodes was discussed.

AT&T issued a statement in which it revealed that the leaked data set appears to be from 2019 or earlier, impacting approximately 7.6 million current AT&T account holders.

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The statement reads, “AT&T has launched a robust investigation supported by internal and external cybersecurity experts. Based on our preliminary analysis, the data set appears to be from 2019 or earlier, impacting approximately 7.6 million current AT&T account holders and approximately 65.4 million former account holders.”

“AT&T does not have evidence of unauthorized access to its systems resulting in the exfiltration of the data set,” the statement added in part.

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