The Ultimate Summer Delight: Melon with Sweet Wine


There are few things in life better than devouring fresh, ripe fruit by the sea. However, when you also have a coastal cocktail and fresh-caught dinner in your evening lineup, you may have just peaked. In her new book Le Sud, Rebekah Peppler shares this simple melon recipe—and dare we say it’s the perfect way to end a summer meal.

With a name meaning “blessed between the melons,” Peppler’s recipe draws from a Spanish saying, “bendito entre las mujeres” or “blessed among the women.” This appetizer is far from your typical serving of fresh fruit—sprinkled with a touch of salt and a sweet chilled white wine; it’s one of those dishes that inspires one to remember—the simplest things are so often the best.

bendita entre los melones on rocks by the sea

Ingredients You’ll Need

Peppler’s recipe keeps things easy and breezy—leaving more time for sun and sand.

Charentais melon: A type of French Cantaloupe, Charentais melon is distinct in flavor and slightly more intense in aroma than the melon we know and love. However, if a cantaloupe is all you can get your hands on, feel free to sub it in.

Sweet white wine: Muscat de Beaume-de-Venise or Sauternes are Peppler’s picks, but anything you have on hand will do.

Flaky sea salt: fruit brushed with a bit of salt is a highly underrated summer snack.


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Literally “blessed between the melons,” this recipe title is inspired by a Spanish saying, “bendito entre las mujeres” or “blessed among the women.”

  • 1 ripe Charentais melon (or other orange-fleshed variety), chilled
  • 2 ounces [60 ml] sweet white wine such as Muscat de Beaume-de-Venise or Sauternes, chilled
  • Flaky sea salt

  1. Cut the melon in half crosswise. Scoop out and discard the seeds. Add 1 ounce of wine to each half, sprinkle the edges with salt, and serve.

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